Recent mass shootings and terrorist attacks on our American homeland (as well as others risks) have escalated our need to pray daily for safety. Here are 15 powerful spiritual warfare prayers that set up a perimeter of divine protection around you and your family. God has a part to play in your protection, but so
God's Protection Is Available
God desires to protect us, but His protection is not automatic. In order for Him to intervene, He requires us to pray.
God Wants to Protect You
He said to Abraham, "I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." God desires to shield you.
God Wants to Protect Your Family and Home
The blessing that comes on you is also for your family.
God Needs Intercessors
God intervenes on the earth when men and women pray. To receive His help, you must ask Him in Jesus' name.
Powerful Spiritual Warfare Protection Prayers
You must speak to the "mountain" for it to move. Don't be timid and hope that God does it for you. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. If you are new to spiritual warfare, you don't want to miss my book, The Armor of Light. It contains what I wished I had known as a new Christian. This is Christ-centered, biblical approach does not glorify the dark side nor does it ignore it. I approach the subject from many real-life angles from our prayer life to the words we speak to putting on the armor of God. Each of the nineteen chapters teaches a different secret of God's spiritual protection.
The Jewish feast of the Passover illustrates a powerful principle of divine protection. (Exodus 12) Though Israel at that time was a nation of slaves, God sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt into the promised land. Pharaoh, however, had no intention of letting Israel go. Each time he refused, God sent another plague until the
As perilous times increase, we look to God for divine protection. The Lord has a plan to protect those who pray and put their trust in Him.God loves to protect and guide His people, like a shepherd caring for His flock. See Psalm 23.Though God reigns over the earth, He has given men freedom of