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Don't miss my newest content! How to Put On the Whole Armor of God: The Essential Guide. 

This is a free advanced course on the armor of God: Learn what it is, how many pieces there are (it may surprise you), how to put it on, the seven attacks from which it defends you, how it works differently than Roman armor, why we must go beyond sincere prayer in putting it on, and why Paul called it the armor of light. This is critical knowledge for every believer in these last days!

Equipping the Body of Christ for 30 Years

Pastor Michael Christian
Pastor Michael Christian
Pastor Michael Christian
Pastor Michael Christian

Pastor Michael Christian is a seasoned Bible scholar and teacher with over thirty years of pastoral experience. He helps people connect with God, live victoriously, and serve and glorify Christ. Pastor Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his teachings thanks to years of Bible research and ministry, 

Some highlights of Pastor Michael's journey include:

  • Encountering the presence of the Holy Spirit at age 14
  • Graduating second in his high school class and earning a B.S. in Communication from a well-known university
  • Devoting over 10,000 hours to hand copying the Bible, which significantly impacted his life, teaching, and ministry
  • Obtaining Church of God credentials as an Exhorter, Ordained Minister, and Ordained Bishop
  • Serving at Jubilee on the Ridge Church for over thirty years in the areas of teaching, preaching, administration, and construction
  • Teaching adult Bible studies for over 30 years
  • Writing three books and publishing seven books by other authors
  • Establishing Twin Pillars Press
  • Serving as an instructor in the California-Nevada Church of God
  • Creating two assessments: a Temperament Test and a Spiritual Gifts Test
  • Enjoying hobbies such as gardening, photography, and computers
  • See Pastor Michael's Statement of Faith

Find inspiration and a deeper understanding of the Bible with Pastor Michael's blog—a source of insights on the biblical worldview.

Get a free PDF copy of Michael Christian's "37 Advantages to Being Born Again." These 37 facts about the new birth will revolutionize your life. To download your copy of these Bible-based, faith-building confessions, click here.

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this helps you get along with others

Discover Your God-Given Temperament

Several people are enjoying dinner together when someone accidentally knocks his plate off the table. One person stands and asks someone to get a mop and another a fresh plate of food. Yet another pats the person who spilled, “Don’t feel bad. It could happen to anyone.” A third explains, “If you had kept the center of gravity of your plate over the table, this would not have happened.” A fourth tells a funny story about spilling food on himself in public and gets everybody laughing. What a team God has designed! Which one are you? 

Take the free temperament test.

pray a covering over your home!

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for God's Protection

As violence increases in our nation and neighborhoods, so must our prayers. Learn how to pray spiritual warfare prayers to protect your family and yourself.


Hand Copying the Bible: the Meditation of Kings

In ancient Israel, God held kings to a higher standard than everyone else. For them to rule justly in the fear of the Lord, God commanded the king to do something unusual by today’s standards. He was to write his own copy of the Law and read from it every day! As “kings and priests” in Christ, do we dare to do any less?

Become more like jesus!

The Fruit of the Spirit

As Christians, we have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to act more like Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is the result of the Holy Spirit living in our spirit. In these studies, you will learn how to be more like Jesus.