In Ephesians 6:11, the Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God. To ensure complete protection, we must know how many pieces are in the armor of God. Paul names six in Ephesians 6:14-17. They are:The belt of truthThe breastplate of righteousnessThe shoes of readinessThe shield of faithThe helmet of salvationThe sword of

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My journey of putting on the armor of God has been fascinating. When I first heard of the armor, I rejoiced. I was facing spiritual warfare and not doing well with it. The voice of the enemy constantly accused me of past sins, even though I had accepted Christ and been forgiven. The armor sounded

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These are the primary armor of God Scriptures. After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”Genesis 15:1NKJV God’s promise to Abraham is the first promise of protection in the Bible. God’s presence defends His children

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Many people don’t realize that when the Lord gave mankind free will, He put Adam and Eve and their descendants (us) in charge as rulers of the planet. The evil we see is what people allow, not God. Mankind is responsible for the violence, rape, abuse, corruption, and wars.

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Have you ever heard that God “allows” the devil to afflict His people to teach them spiritual lessons?
How could God employ the spiritual mafia? Is the Holy Spirit inadequate for the task of correction?

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The Free Gift. Everyone who believes in Jesus is in right standing with God and eligible for His best blessings. (Ephesians 1:3)Romans 5:15 (AMP) But God’s free gift is not at all to be compared to Adam’s trespass. For if many died through Adam’s falling away, much more profusely did God’s grace and the free gift

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As a College-educated Young Adult, I Had a Problem Trusting the Bible! I did not see it as relevant or reliable. It was hard for me to trust the Bible’s teachings when I was not sure it was God’s Word. Actually, I wasn’t convinced a book that old could be relevant today… until it dawned on me the

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My high school biology textbook taught the theory of evolution as a proven fact. I had no reason to doubt it. Like millions of unsuspecting students, I assumed that “science” had established its validity beyond question. So, when I became a Christian, I did my best to harmonize my education with what was in the

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Watching church services on Facebook and YouTube in our sweats this past year has definitely helped us keep our faith and hope in God. Still, there’s no substitute for attending an in-person worship service and experiencing the immersing grace of the Holy Spirit! If you have not been in church for the last year, it’s time to

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