Does God "allow" evil in the world? No, He hates it! Don't let ignorance rob you of your relationship with God. In the beginning, the Lord gave Adam and Eve free will and dominion over ...
Does God "allow" evil in the world? No, He hates it! Don't let ignorance rob you of your relationship with God. In the beginning, the Lord gave Adam and Eve free will and dominion over ...
Does God use the devil to afflict His people and teach them spiritual lessons?Does God have the devil and his spiritual mafia on a leash? Does He use them to teach His children spiritual and ...
The Free Gift. Everyone who believes in Jesus is in right standing with God and eligible for His best blessings. (Ephesians 1:3) Romans 5:15 (AMP) But God’s free gift is not at all to be ...
As a College-educated Young Adult, I Had a Problem Trusting the Bible! I did not see it as relevant or reliable.It was hard for me to trust the Bible's teachings when I was not sure it ...
My high school biology textbook taught the theory of evolution as a proven fact. I had no reason to doubt it. Like millions of unsuspecting students, I assumed that "science" had established its validity beyond ...
Watching church services on Facebook and YouTube in our sweats this past year has definitely helped us keep our faith and hope in God.Still, there's no substitute for attending an in-person worship service and experiencing ...
Have you ever wished you could grow faster in the Lord and have more wisdom, grace, and power to overcome your challenges?I wish I had some fancy shortcut to share with you, but I don't. ...
The Jewish feast of the Passover illustrates a powerful principle of divine protection. (Exodus 12)Though Israel at that time was a nation of slaves, God sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt into the ...
“Pleading the blood” of Christ means presenting a legal case in the presence of God, but this is a case you are guaranteed to win. The blood assures your acceptance with God and the fullness ...