Praying the Passover Protection

By Michael Christian

The Jewish feast of the Passover illustrates a powerful principle of divine protection. (Exodus 12)

Though Israel at that time was a nation of slaves, God sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt into the promised land.

Pharaoh, however, had no intention of letting Israel go. Each time he refused, God sent another plague until the land was devastated.

The tenth and final plague was to be the death of the firstborn in every family throughout Egypt.

But the Lord instructed each family in Israel to kill a lamb and apply the blood to the top and sides of the door frames of their houses. (Exodus 12)

Wherever the Lord saw the blood, He would “pass over” (hover over) the house and prevent the destroyer from entering. (Exodus 12:23)

In one night, all the firstborn of Egypt died while the firstborn of Israel were spared because of the Passover protection.

That night, Pharaoh finally let God's people go and sent them out of Egypt.

Jesus Our Passover Lamb

The New Testament describes Jesus as our “Passover Lamb.”

“For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem during the Passover Feast when the Passover lambs were killed.

As Christians, we can use the Passover principle in praying for the safety of our homes and family members.

By spiritually “applying” the blood of the Lamb Jesus to the door frames of our homes, we are invoking the Passover Protection.

The presence of Jesus’ blood is a flashing, neon sign in the spiritual realm declaring to every evil spirit that this “house” is under the protection of God and that they have no right to enter.

How to Apply the Blood of the Lamb

The spiritual presence of the blood of Christ protects you and your household. Here's how to activate the Passover protection.

Go to the door frames of your house (all the points of entry) and spiritually “apply” the blood of Jesus to the sides and tops.

Speak your faith aloud boldly as one who has been given the authority to speak in Jesus’ name. 

Believe God is hearing your prayers and setting up a protective perimeter around your house and property. (You can do the same thing at your property corners.)

Some apply a touch of olive oil to represent the blood.

Father, I spiritually apply the blood of Jesus, my Passover Lamb, to the doorposts of my life, to my spirit, my soul, and my body.

I apply the blood to my spouse and children.

I apply the blood to my house and around the edges of my property.

I forbid the destroyer to enter my gates.

I apply the blood to my finances, bank accounts, and place of work.

I thank you that Your Spirit hovers over me and my family and protects us.

(Before driving) I apply the blood to my vehicle, front to back, side to side, top to bottom, to the driver and all passengers.

I ask that You keep us safe from other drivers and move all animals off the road in front of us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Remember, Christ’s blood has set you apart to God. You are chosen to bear His name.

Because of the blood of Jesus, you are in right standing with God. You are redeemed out of “Egypt” (a type of the world) and out from under the kingdom of darkness, having a new life and a fresh start. (Colossians 1:13)

The sign of Jesus’ blood on your life has engaged the Passover protection.

For an in-depth look at the secrets of God's protection, including how the Lord spared many during 9/11, please check out my book The Armor of Light

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Please take a second and let us know in the Comments section if you stepped out in faith and applied the blood of Jesus to your home and life.

Your testimony seals your faith with a public confession.

Take full advantage of the weapons of warfare God has given you.

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  1. Thank you Lord Jesus for blessing my home and the homes of my friends and family with the blood of the lamb. I thank you for the blood on and over every door post and in every corner of our property. Thank you that you have blessed our property from the well water to the foundations to the heavens. Thank you for the protection of our livestock and our animals, our business, our finances and our boys (employees) and their families. Thank you Lord for the supernatural protection in the name of the Lamb, Jesus.

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