Agape love is the love of God. Below you'll find all the verses translated as love from the original Greek word, agape. These are offered to readers for their personal meditation. Many people find great benefits by hand copying these verses in their own handwriting. Hand copying the Bible was a special method of meditation God commanded the kings of Israel to practice. It yields at least 7 unique benefit, even to this day. Find a quiet time and place and try your hand at copying the Bible like the kings did. See if you can copy at least ten verses a day. 

If you sense the Holy Spirit tutoring you and want to proceed further in study of this most vital subject, I encourage you to invest in Every Bible Verse on Love. This scholarly resource is also a workbook that is a hand copyist's dream. It will give you further instruction in hand copying the Bible and gives you easy-to-read definitions of agape and the other Greek and Hebrew words for love.

You'll find the You and God prompts for copying hundreds of verses in each of the 43 Greek and Hebrew Word Sections. Whether you hand copy Scripture as your method of meditation or not, Every Bible Verse on Love stands alone as an excellent reference work and a comprehensive language study on the biblical subject of love.