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Hand Copying Scripture:
An Incredible Journey into Truth

Main Benefits

Hand copying Scripture is one of the most powerful methods of meditating in the Bible. Christian meditation isn't about emptying your mind but filling it with God's truth. Millenia ago, God commanded the kings of Israel to hand copy Scripture as they began their reign. You will receive the same 7 benefits when you do the same. Find out more about why God commanded the kings to copy Scripture in the articles below.

You Will Learn God's Word

By copying Scripture by hand, you use more of your brain than by reading alone. Think about it. To copy a verse, you first read a phrase, store it in your memory, and then write it down using your eye-hand coordination. This forces you to meditate on every word you write, slows your brain down, causes you to concentrate, and gives God time to speak between the lines.

You Will Calm Your Mind

Our minds are often undisciplined weed patches of overgrown thoughts. By copying Scripture, we still our minds and uproot worldly thoughts and replace them with the Bible's truth. This is the process of renewing our minds, the key to spiritual growth and transformation (Romans 12:2).

You Will Improve Your Mind

A still, calm, Scripture-based mind prays, concentrates, and learns better. It is more patient and kind. By silencing the "static" of thoughts in an undisciplined mind, we put ourselves in a position to hear from God, mature in Christ, and do everything better.

A Quickstart Guide to Hand Copying the Bible

After reading the first two articles below, you are ready to copy Bible verses. 

Here's an exciting resource for anyone looking to copy Scripture: Every Bible Verse on Love. This 8.5" x 11", 196-page scholarly resource and workbook contains every Bible passage on love. It features full Word Sections dedicated to each of the 43 original words translated as love. The Word Sections include readable, practical definitions of the Greek and Hebrew words. They also contain a part called You and God, listing where those Greek and Hebrew words are used. The You and God passages are for you to hand copy.

The Bibleā€™s comprehensive course on love is all in this one volume you'll refer to again and again. God is love, and His disciples are to walk in His love. Are you ready and open to from the Lord?

As you copy the love verses, you will grow and mature. Find a quiet place and time for your hand copying so you can hear from the Holy Spirit. I am convinced through much personal experience that the Holy Spirit will draw near and assist you. 

Commit to "hearing" Godā€™s Word as you write. As you do, youā€™ll understand why God called the kings of Israel to hand copy Scripture. Since we are kings and priests under a new and better covenant (Rev. 1:6 NKJV, Romans 5:17), we will receive even more benefits than those early kings, because we are reconciled to God in Christ and have received the Holy Spirit.

In Israel, God held kings to a higher standard than everyone else. For them to rule justly in the fear of the Lord, God commanded the king to do something unusual by todayā€™s standards. His assignment was hand copying the Bible and reading from it every day! ā€œAlso it shall be, when he sits on the

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The Lord commanded the kings of Israel to perform an unusual taskā€”to handwrite their own copy of the first five books of the Bible (Deut. 17:18-20). Why? He knew there were huge, rarely-discovered benefits of hand copying Scripture. Let’s look at them in turn.1. HumblingIt was humbling. Perhaps the king had to learn to read

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Agape love is the love of God. Below you’ll find all the verses translated as love from the original Greek word, agape. These are offered to readers for their personal meditation. Many people find great benefits by hand copying these verses in their own handwriting. Hand copying the Bible was a special method of meditation God

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