But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. —Galatians 5:22–23 The fruit of the Spirit is a product of the Holy Spirit living within your spirit. He desires to reproduce in you the character of God, conforming you to the image of
Main Benefits of the Fruit of the Spirit
We know a grapevine is a grapevine because it produces grapes. Likewise, people should know we are Christians because we produce the fruit of the Spirit. Our goal is to become like Jesus. This begins at new birth, which imparts to us the spiritual DNA to develop all the fruit. The Holy Spirit, working within our personality, helps us bear those virtues that characterize Jesus. (It doesn't matter what your temperament is.) The Holy Spirit empowers everyone to bring forth the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Jesus modeled these character attributes for us.
You Received the Holy Spirit at New Birth
The world lacks the fruit of the Spirit, and we may not have had good role models in growing up. That's why God gives us the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts so we can be more like Jesus. We can't bring forth the fruit of character change on our own, and that's why Jesus sent us the Helper, the Holy Spirit.
The Fruit of the Spirit Doesn't Appear Overnight
Fruit takes time to grow. Just because a fruit tree blossoms gloriously in the spring doesn't mean the fruit is ready. Many of us have had the experience of blossoming in the Holy Spirit where we and others can see the potential for much fruit. But we have to fight the weeds of life (distractions) and summer droughts (tough times) before we have fruit ready to harvest.
Your Spiritual Fruit Remains Eternally
Paul said that faith, hope, and love are what abide and remain eternally. Earthly accomplishments come and eventually fade away, but our love never fails. Bearing the fruit of the Spirit is investing in an eternal goal and results in an abundant harvest.
The Fruit of the Spirit
We never go wrong when we walk in love, joy, peace, and patience. In fact, someone once told me to work first on being patient and kind. It changed my life. Patience and kindness give us a great starting point for the rest of the fruit. Lord, help us all to become more like Jesus!
Galatians 5:22–23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Our last lesson was about the fruit of the Spirit in general. Today we talk specifically about the fruit of love. The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8, 16),
Most people think joy arrives when our circumstances are right, but that’s not joy, that’s happiness. The spiritual fruit of joy transcends circumstances. Although it’s usually defined as an emotion, joy is something more—it’s a spiritual force arising from the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. The spiritual fruit of joy transcends circumstances. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of
The fruit of peace and rest of soul are a gift of Christ to His followers. The Holy Spirit gives the Christian several distinct advantages in bearing the fruit of peace.Galatians 5:22–23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.1. We
Have you ever lost your cool? Hours later you were still mad and maybe feeling a little guilty. You wondered if there was a way you could have more patience with people.There is. Patience (or long-suffering as it’s sometimes called) is part of the fruit of the Spirit God placed in believers at new birth.
The world in which we live can be a cruel place, and kindness stands out like a thousand points of light against a dark background of animosity, hatred, and indifference. But God wants us to transform the world by bearing the fruit of kindness.Despite his busy schedule during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln often visited
It’s popular to say, “God is good, all the time,” because we know the goodness of God is amazing. But what about mankind? Jesus told the rich young ruler that no one is good but God only. (Mark 10:18) So how can the Lord ask Christians to bear the fruit of goodness in their personal
Has someone ever promised to do something for you on a certain day and never showed up, or even called? It’s frustrating. Their lack of the spiritual fruit of faithfulness can throw off your whole plan.Imagine what our world would be like if ordinary people like us were not faithful to our jobs? If there
A lot of confusion swirls around the words gentleness and meekness, especially in the male community. What does it mean to bear the fruit of gentleness? Men, in general, don’t want to be perceived as weak, as a pansy or a wimp. Yet when they become Christians, God’s word tells them to bring forth the fruit
Have you ever had that moment where you were out-of-control? Where you were swept up by your emotions and lost your grip on the fruit of self-control? Sure, we all have. So how do we get the reins back? Ancient Greeks praised those who practiced severe self-discipline through an act of their will. Perhaps some can pull