Pastor Michael Christian is a seasoned Bible scholar and teacher with over thirty years of pastoral experience. He helps people connect with God, live victoriously, and serve and glorify Christ. Pastor Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his teachings, thanks to years of Bible research and ministry.
Some highlights of Pastor Michael Christian's journey include:
- Experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit at age 14
- Graduating second in his high school class and earning a B.S. in Communication from a well-known university
- Devoting over 10,000 hours to hand copying the Bible, which significantly impacted his life, teaching, and ministry
- Obtaining Church of God (Cleveland, TN) credentials as an Exhorter, Ordained Minister, and Ordained Bishop
- Serving at Jubilee on the Ridge Church for over thirty years in the areas of teaching, preaching, administration, and construction
- Teaching adult Bible studies for over 30 years
- Authoring three books: The Armor of Light, the Study Guide for The Armor of Light, and Every Bible Verse on Love (new). He has helped other faith-based authors publish seven books.
- Establishing Twin Pillars Press
- Serving as an instructor in the California-Nevada Church of God
- Creating two assessments: a Temperament Test and a Spiritual Gifts Test
- Enjoying time with his family and hobbies such as gardening, photography, and computers
- See Pastor Michael Christian's Statement of Faith

Is God Real?
When I was fourteen, I sought to know if God was real. I asked Him repeatedly to "do something" so I could be sure. Within a few weeks, He overshadowed me with His Spirit. I walked in the glow of His presence for four hours that day. This experience convinced me beyond a doubt that God was real. However, my childhood church was weak in Bible teaching, and a few years later, I left for college believing in God but without Biblical values to live by.
The Accident on an Oil Rig
After college, I did not launch immediately into a career but worked several available jobs. One night, I suffered a work-related accident on an oil rig that nearly took my life (click here for the story). As I recuperated, I was led to hand copy Scriptures four hours a day. Over the next twenty years, I spent at least ten thousand hours prayerfully copying and studying the Bible. I've hand copied the entire New Testament and filled thousands of pages with Word studies on various Bible topics.
This process revolutionized my life through the renewing of my mind. It guided me into my current ministry. Interestingly, the Lord called me to the teaching ministry while I copied John 21:15-17. This is the passage where Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him; and then commanded him, "Feed My sheep!" As I copied those words, I felt that the Lord was speaking directly to me.
Because writing out Scripture so impacted my life, I've dedicated a special section of this website to the overlooked importance of Hand Copying the Bible, which the Lord required of all kings in Israel.
After moving to Paradise and joining Jubilee Church, Pastor Steve Grandy and I became close friends and began working together. I underwent ministerial training and was ordained by the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). Rather than taking a church of my own, I felt I could accomplish more by working with Pastor Steve and building a ministry team at Jubilee.
For thirty years, I served as the teaching and administrative pastor. My duties included Bible teaching, small groups, media, and publications, as well as maintenance and new construction. Now retired from Jubilee, I still teach in the Ministerial Development Department of the California-Nevada Church of God.
My incredible wife Debbie and I live in Paradise, California. Yes, that's the town where ninety percent of the homes burned on November 8, 2018. Our house miraculously survived, and we've been able to return. It's encouraging to see the new homes being rebuilt in our community—it's like a resurrection!
Debbie and I are blessed with two great sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and four awesome grandchildren.
I've dealt with my share of challenges in life, but God has been overwhelmingly good to me all the time, and I consider it a privilege and an honor to serve Him.