The Lord commanded the kings of Israel to perform an unusual task—to handwrite their own copy of the first five books of the Bible (Deut. 17:18-20). Why? He knew there were huge, rarely-discovered benefits of hand copying Scripture. Let's look at them in turn.
1. Humbling
It was humbling. Perhaps the king had to learn to read and write before he could begin. It might be embarrassing. Some people are gifted with beautiful handwriting, but many write with difficulty and are ashamed of their scribbles. Further, if the king didn’t understand what he was copying, he would have to ask the priests to explain it.
2. Sacrifice
It required sacrifice. Hand copying Scripture, especially the first five books of the Bible, would take many days, not just a few. The king would have to be committed. He would need to reschedule his everyday, fast-paced life to make time for Scripture handwriting. This meant putting God before many of his kingly duties and pastimes. As a result, he would develop a slower-paced, God-honoring lifestyle that trained him to pray, meditate, and reflect before he acted.
3. Holy Spirit
While hand copying God's Word, the king would come under the influence of the Holy Spirit. In the first five books of the Bible, the king would read of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth in six days, of the inspiring faith of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses.
He would learn of the crushing slavery of Israel in Egypt and the miraculous deliverance God worked in the Exodus. He would hand copy the Ten Commandments, the other righteous statutes God gave Israel, and the value of the priesthood and tabernacle service in keeping people God-directed. In the secret whispers of the Holy Spirit to each king's heart, the Lord prepared him to lead His people.
4. Loving God with All the Mind
Hand copying Scripture is a slow process. It engages more of the brain than reading alone. Think about how it works in your own life. In simple reading, you primarily use the vision and verbal areas of your brain. (And often, we don’t deep read, we skim and don’t retain what we read.)
When you hand copy Scripture, you put more of your brain to work than in reading only. That’s desirable, for we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
In hand copying Scripture, you use the parts of your brain that control vision, memory, motor skills, and speech. Your eyes read a phrase in the verse. Your memory stores it. Then your hand writes it. You are likely to mutter the verse under your breath as you copy it. Muttering is one of the meanings of the Hebrew word for meditating. Some people memorize verses without even trying, simply by writing them out.
While this simple but complex process of hand copying Scripture continues, your mind is meditating in God’s Word. In the slowness of the hand copying, you give your spirit valuable time to listen to the Holy Spirit—much more time than when reading only—and you are better able to extract truth from Scripture.
An added benefit is hearing God whispering “between the lines” and giving you practical wisdom for your daily life as well as spiritual insights. The Holy Spirit not only causes us to understand the Word with our minds but makes us willing to obey the Word from our hearts.
5. Healing Through the Word
More can be gained through hand copying Scriptures than memorization and meditation. Copying the Word provides healing. Years ago, I suffered a severe concussion in an industrial accident on an oil rig. (See The Accident That Transformed My Life.)
Due to the head blow and concussion, I experienced headaches, sensitivity to noises, shooting pains, nightmares, and for the first few weeks an impaired ability to think clearly and make decisions. A good friend suggested I start hand copying Scripture four hours a day as part of my pathway to healing. I believed the Holy Spirit was behind that suggestion, so I began.
This was a progressive healing. The worst symptoms disappeared quickly, and the others faded gradually. I thank God that He showed me how to draw life, strength, and health from His Word while hand copying Scripture. In fact, I received so much spiritual refreshing and insight into the Word that I developed a love for the process and kept on copying for decades after my brain returned to normal.
My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh. —Proverbs 4:20-22
6. Improving Your Mind
Another huge benefit of hand copying Scripture is improving your mind. Hand copying trains your mind to be quiet and focus on the subject at hand. All of us benefit from tuning out distracting thoughts. Hand copying Scripture is a powerful tool toward this end. The more you discipline your mind to stay focused on God, the more you enter His peace.
With a quiet mind before the Lord, it is easier to discern His still, small voice, be guided by His wisdom, and be refreshed in His presence. Scripture copying equips you to pray without distracting thoughts because it teaches you to bring every thought into captivity, which is at the heart of spiritual warfare (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Quieting the static in your mind and improving your ability to concentrate on one thing at a time pays excellent dividends in every area of life, not just prayer. It enhances your ability to think clearly and learn new skills, making you more effective at work and in life. It trains you to receive the Holy Spirit's inspiration, which results in greater creativity.
God's illumination makes you a better parent, spouse, and worker in your church. A fresh, new idea can be worth millions in the business world, producing favor with your company, a promotion, and a better income.
No wonder God says that meditating in His Word causes us to prosper and have good success at home and at work, both spiritually and naturally. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3)
7. Drawing Closer to God
As we get to know the Word, we move closer to the divine Author. His presence draws near in tangible ways, and that’s, above all, what we want. We desire the Spirit of the Lord “with” us, abiding in and over our lives, leading and guiding us. His presence is the key to fulfilling our divine destiny, His God-given purpose for our lives.
Hand copying the Bible was a commandment for the kings of Israel, but it’s voluntary for the rest of us until we realize we depend on its benefits. If the benefits of hand copying Scripture were good enough for rulers, shouldn’t they be good enough for us?
We have an opportunity and a responsibility to reign as kings in life through God's grace (Romans 5:17, 21). First, we reign over ourselves in self-discipline and then over those whose care is entrusted to us. Like a king with a nation depending on him, we, too, need the wisdom of God.
Out of a loving response to what God has done for us in Christ, shouldn’t we be willing to humble ourselves, carve out time for the Word, come under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and engage all our brains in the things of God? There is no greater joy than sitting at the feet of Jesus and receiving His instruction (Luke 10:41-42).
You can practice hand copying Scripture either by writing out a book of the Bible or copying all the verses containing a key word. I initially focused on the New Testament and all the verses on love, but a person might copy a whole book, for example, the Gospel of John. Here is a list of all the verses translated from the word agape in the New King James Version of the Bible: Agape Verse List.
Even better, get a copy of Every Bible Verse on Love. This scholarly resource and workbook is a hand copyist's dream. It includes all the Bible verses about love, the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words, and selected contexts for you to copy.
Begin every session with prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you through His Word. As you focus on God speaking through Scripture, it becomes easier to hear Him whispering and impressing us in daily life. We each have a responsibility to reign as a king, whether it’s over our bodily desires, habits, and attitudes, or our household, business, or even a nation. We need the ongoing wisdom of God.
If you are spiritually hungry, you will find the time to feast on the Word of God and meditate like a king. All the benefits of hand copying Scripture will enrich your life and that of your children and family.
Please encourage others by sharing in the comments how hand copying Scripture has benefited you.
I have copied the whole Bible into a journal, and now writing out all my texts when ai do my studies..I pray God will give me a good mind, and Alzheimer’s and dementia is prevelant in my family, I am now 86 years an 4 mknths old, and still congintive, praise His name daily…
That’s amazing! I believe that as you continue to copy God’s Word, you’ll stay sharp and alert and surprise those around you. I applaud what you’re doing. As you copy Scripture, the healing Holy Spirit draws near to you and ministers to your mind and body. Plus, He fills you with His wisdom and reveals His gifts in you, at any age. Blessings, Pastor Mike
Wonderful, I too have copied the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, to keep my mind sharp, asking God for that…I just finished scribing the 351 Old Testament predictions, and the New Testament fulfillments. It was amazing, I’m now looking for more to learn. Tia and Alzheimer’s is prevalent in my family, but at my age, 86 and 9 months, I’m still fairly sharp ..God has truly blessed me
I started copying the Bible about a year ago. I must say this is one of the most wonderful part of my Christian worship. To date I have hand copied 8 books. I have just finished copying the Book of Isaiah.
I strongly recommend every Christian should do this as part of the worship. Church should teach this.
By the way, I have a website
I post a weekly message there. If you interested you may want to read my messages posted.
KT Tan
Servant of Jesus Christ
Thank you for sharing how valuable copying Scripture is to you. Blessings to you and those you reach!
Pastor Mike
I have been hand copying scripture off and on for a number of years, so recently I recommended this as a practice to engage with scripture in a way that is more complete than studying alone. The points which you shared in this article will be edifying to the small groups which will be learning this practice in the coming months.
Thank you for sharing your insights.
Michael Franklin
Thanks, Michael, for your thoughts. I know you and the small groups will be blessed by hand copying God's Word. The Holy Spirit overshadows those who sincerely seek Him with a single eye in the stillness of Scripture.