My journey to put on the armor of God has been intriguing. When I first heard of the armor, I rejoiced. I was facing spiritual warfare and not doing well with it. The voice of the enemy constantly accused me of past sins even though I had accepted Christ and been forgiven. Putting on the armor of God sounded exactly like what I needed.
One day, I listened via Christian radio to a recording of a live service where a preacher taught on this subject. He vividly described each piece of the armor. He had everyone in the audience stand up. Then, he coached them through the motions of putting on each part while they confessed it aloud. This was a militant, boisterous, and electric service.
I immediately adopted this method as a prayer routine and practiced it every morning. I assumed God would place over me some kind of spiritual armor that resembled Roman armor while I prayed, visualized, and confessed it. I expected to never have another bad day.
Here is the prayer I prayed aloud:
I gird my waist with truth. I put on the breastplate of righteousness. I shod my feet with the readiness produced by the gospel of peace. I take the shield of faith, with which I can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. I put on the helmet of salvation. And I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Then I would add:
I declare that no evil shall befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. (Psalm 91:10) No weapon formed against me will prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) My God will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. (2 Timothy 4:18.)
Discouraged by Inconsistent Results
I quoted any other Scriptures I could think of. Every day that I prayed this way was a better day. God loves to answer militant prayers of protection! I know this kind of prayer is integral to many people's prayer routines.
So, after praying this way for years, I assumed the armor was by now permanently fastened and protecting me. So, I changed up my prayer routine to emphasize other prayers and was surprised when my level of protection began to drop.
This bothered me! I was puzzled that the armor had not become a part of me even after years of praying it on. My protection seemed dependent on daily prayer to put on the armor, among other prayers. So, I went back to “praying on” the armor. But I was somewhat confused that I couldn't get the armor to stay on and work more consistently.
A Fresh Approach to Putting On the Armor of God
Years later at a conference, a speaker mentioned in passing a different method of putting on the armor. He said that we put it on by receiving the revelation of each piece. He got my attention but didn’t explain what he meant in his message.
Afterward, I asked him, “You said that we put on the armor by receiving the revelation of each piece. What exactly does that mean?”
He admitted he wasn't sure but that he was quoting a well-known man of God, whom I had heard of and respected. He had read the statement about the armor in one of this other man's books but couldn’t remember which one. (Thanks.) So, I left the meeting gripped by the new idea but not knowing how it worked.
The following week, I read Ephesians 6:10-18 repeatedly, praying and meditating in it. I asked the Holy Spirit to show me what was meant by "the revelation of each piece." And He did!
What I Learned about Putting on the Armor of God
First, I realized that Scripture defined each piece of the armor as a biblical concept, not as a series of spiritual objects resembling earthly armor. The active elements of God's armor are truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer (more about this one here). Roman armor is merely an illustration for the real armor. However, I had been so caught up imagining Roman gear that I never thought beyond it.
For example, when we put on the belt of truth, it's truth we are fastening around our lives and not a spiritual object that looks like a belt. For the breastplate of righteousness, we are putting on righteousness—the righteousness of faith Paul preached—and not some invisible breastplate. We take up faith in God’s Word to extinguish the flaming thought arrows the enemy shoots into our minds, not a shield-shaped spiritual object.
In my natural thinking, I had always operated under the assumption that God dropped external, spiritual objects on me from heaven as I "prayed on" the armor. But now I began to see that the armor was not made of invisible spiritual objects resembling Roman armor.
To be clear, God always honored the intention of my prayers for protection and powerfully answered them. I'm sure he does for you, too. But prayer and confession alone are not the complete answer to putting on the armor. He was helping me take things a step further.
Putting On the Armor in a Fresh New Way
As the Holy Spirit coached me, my mind slowly adjusted to this new way of looking at the armor. But it was challenging. I had to unlearn my previous assumptions to appreciate the new perspective. (Unlearning is more difficult than learning.)
Assumptions are as misleading as misunderstandings and harder to detect, and I had a lot of assumptions that came from natural life. In this world, if someone throws a baseball at me, I put up my glove and catch it, or use a bat to hit it. If what's incoming is a tennis ball, I use a racquet to send it back over the net. I'm accustomed to using one external object to block other incoming objects. That’s the law of this natural world.
You Can't Put It On Until You Put It In
We often assume incorrectly that the spiritual realm works like the natural realm. But the laws governing the spiritual world are different. No "object" can block an incoming "flaming thought arrow” of fear, worry, anger, etc. Only our internal faith in God’s Words of promise can extinguish the inward fire kindled by such troubling thoughts.
In the natural, armor works from the outside in. But spiritual armor works from the inside out. It's not a matter of putting something on as much as it is of putting something in. You can't put it the armor on until you develop it inside you!
The armor of God works like a spring of water bubbling out of the earth and forming a pool. If you stir up the dirt in the pool, the spring will purify and clarify itself by its continual flow of fresh, pure water that washes the dirt away. Like a spring, the armor of God works from the inside out.
For a fuller explanation of this intriguing idea, see the video, A New Approach to the Armor of God.
Finding the Lesson in Each Piece of Armor
As I meditated in the Ephesians passage, I identified the seven concepts Paul listed that would help me defend myself. The seven are truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, the hope of salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. But what was the revelation of each piece? Was there a protective lesson in each?
(By "revelation" I don't mean a private interpretation of Scripture, but a Holy Spirit-given understanding of God's Word that makes us say, "I see it," or "I get it now.")
As I kept meditating, I began to see it. What the man of God said was true. We put on the armor when we receive the revelation (the practical lesson) embedded in these seven concepts. Below is a paraphrase of the Ephesians passage that shows how I was learning to understand it.
Ephesians 6:14-18 (Paraphrased) Stand therefore, having fastened truth around your life like a belt, putting on righteousness like a breastplate, and putting on for shoes the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, take up faith like a shield, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the (hope of) salvation as a helmet, wield the Word of God like a sword, and hurl prayer (like a spear), praying at all times in the Spirit with all kinds of prayer and supplication.
Asking a New Set of Questions
Looking at the armor in this way triggered a new set of questions:
- What is the practical lesson in each concept?
- How does each piece of the armor protect me?
- What are the threats or kinds of attack the armor defends against?
- Do these seven pieces of armor provide a well-rounded and complete protection?
- How does learning about each piece make me a better disciple, servant, and soldier of the Lord?
Why Did Paul Call Spiritual Armor the Armor of Light?
I discovered another Bible verse that confirmed this approach to the armor. In it, Paul gives a clue about the true nature of the armor of God. Understanding what he meant verifies how to put the armor on.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Romans 13:12 (NKJV)
Five years before he wrote Ephesians, Paul called the armor of God “the armor of light.”
We know that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) We also know the enemy comes against our minds with dark, discouraging, and untrue thoughts. But when we fight back with the Word of God, we're fighting darkness with light. (Psalms 119:105, 130, Isaiah 8:20, Ephesians 5:8, Philippians 2:15) Light is greater than darkness, and darkness can never overcome the light which dispels it. (John 1:4-5, 9, 8:12) The enemy operates in darkness, but God’s light exposes, illuminates, and drives away the darkness. (Ephesians 5:11)
We, however, have a significant role to play in our own protection. Paul wrote, “…and let us put on the armor of light.” God gives us the armor, but we are the ones who must put it on. So, how do we put on the armor of light?
Receiving God's Spiritual Light
We receive the armor of light when we put the light of truth into our minds. The light we receive from Scripture becomes our spiritual armor. The armor of light is the armor of a renewed mind! We receive God's light in our minds when we renew them in God's Word. See the Scriptures below:
Psalm 119:130: “The entrance of Your Words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.”
Psalm 119:105: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 18:28: For You will light my lamp; The LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
Isaiah 8:20: To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.
John 1:4–5 In Him [the Word] was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 8:12: Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I [the Word] am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light! (See vv. 9-14)
We put on the armor of light as we believe and embrace the truths of God’s Word. The seven-fold armor protects us from the deceptions of darkness because God’s light always dispels the world's lies and half-truths.
Meditating on the Seven Light-filled Concepts
As I meditated on the seven concepts that made up the armor, I looked for the lesson that would protect me. Here's an example regarding truth.
As I thought about fastening on truth like a belt, I could see that truth referred to the Word of God. Pilate famously asked, "What is truth?" But Jesus declared to His disciples, "Your [God's] Word is truth." (John 17:17)
People view the truth of the Bible in various ways. Some say, "My, isn't that interesting?" and ignore what was said. Others believe it in part. "I believe the Bible except for ________ ." True believers embrace the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God.
A belt wraps completely around the waist, not just part of the way. Fastening on truth means allowing it to encircle every area of our lives, not just some. Belts have buckles to fasten them on securely. (That's a good thing; we don't want our pants to fall off.) Wrapping truth around us like a belt means making a clasp-like, permanent commitment to believe and obey God's Word despite resistance or contradiction. If we don't hold tight to the truth and our belt comes loose, we will probably embarrass ourselves in some kind of sin.
The lesson I found regarding truth is to believe the Bible in its entirety and hold fast to it, no matter who or what contradicts it. Fastening truth around our entire lives defends us from the deception of the enemy and the world.
The Seven Light-filled Lessons (Revelations) of the Armor of God
I looked closely at each of the seven concepts, seeking to discover the revelation or lesson each contained. As I did, not only did I find protection that would help me, but I realized Paul's list was in a logical order. It was a discipleship plan that puts soldiers on the field capable of fighting and, at the end of the day, standing in victory.
In the process of putting on the armor of God, I could see a spiritual "boot camp" for training warriors for the battlefield. The seven lessons to be learned and applied are necessary for our growth and protection. Each produces a huge step forward in one's journey of discipleship.
- The first is a commitment to truth, what it is, and where to find it. God’s Word is truth.
- The second revelation comes by understanding the righteousness of faith that Paul preached, which is the grace of God. We are in right standing with God, and it's not based on our performance but on what Jesus did for us.
- The third revelation is that we must surrender our feet to God's will to walk securely on God’s path. Our feet are not shod with readiness until we can pray with Jesus, “Father…not My will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42) Until we surrender to walk in God's will and ways, our feet are not protected nor are they beautiful.
- The fourth teaches us to put our faith in God’s promises rather than in troubling thoughts and circumstances. We must believe the Word more than what it looks like in the natural.
- The fifth inspires us to put on a victorious attitude of confident expectation in God’s salvation, both in this temporal life and eternally, even before we see it.
- The sixth revelation is discovering that we can unleash the Spirit’s power like a sword by speaking the Word of God aloud.
- The seventh teaches us to use the weapon of prayer to disable the enemy at a distance instead of fighting him hand-to-hand.
The enlightenment that comes from these seven concepts makes us victorious as we fight against the enemy’s lies, trickery, and evil schemes.
Putting on the Armor of God Is a Process
Renewing the mind in each of these seven areas takes time. I can't "pray on" a renewed mind. I can pray for the Holy Spirit to teach me as I meditate in the Word, but I have to learn the Word to receive its light.
My level of protection increases the more I discover about the Bible and these seven lessons. The more I study to show myself approved, the more the truth defends me from deception.
As you make each of these lessons your own, your level of protection increases, and you will stand victorious in battle at the end of the day.
The separate articles on each piece of the armor go into more detail on the protective lesson in that piece. Your protection increases as you internalize these light-filled Bible truths.